React/Redux Assignment — Buzzfeed-Style Horror Quiz
So, for my final project, I really wanted to create a type of “create-your-own-adventure” horror game. For many years of my life, I have been obsessed with survival horror games and I have always wanted to create one.
There was one idea that I had for a while — the concept of being followed when nothing is actually there.

Yeah — frightening concept.
After fiddling with the concept and React, I realized that I was having a lot of trouble understanding how to use React from JS. In order for me to really understand how to do this — I needed to buckle down and study.

After rigorous studying — I decided that I wanted to create a buzzfeed style quiz with React — all I have to do is pull information from and API I will deploy from Heroku to fetch. I have all the choices written and I have all of the results — I just needed to figure out how to deploy the API instead of hard coding everything.

I will give more updates as I go along — I have the basic outline of my project done. Let me just see if it works. *fingers crossed*